Sunday, January 21, 2007

another from a Hoyt Arboretum photo.

a one-nighter figure from Thurs night at Hipbone studio.

and an Frank Frazetta copy a year or two back. He claims he did these without source material or models- just pulled them out of his head. Amazing.

Saturday, January 13, 2007

from a Hoyt Arboretum photo. Color seems a little oversaturated when seen in daylight.

and a copy of a Thayer from last year.

Monday, January 1, 2007

new year

portrait study from a net
photo -at halfway and done.
As is common I've added a couple years to her, but I figure if it were a commision I'd do like the shoe salesmen.
"Trust me, dey'll grow into it"

and a landscape from Crystal Springs Garden

and may I say again
these layout tools are worth every penny.