a Hipbone Session from a couple months ago. A thick knee and withered hand, yet she bore them with such grace. Inspiration really.

and this problem child of Hoyt Arboretum. The left upper was just gray fuzz in the reference which has evolved into an imagined whatever after four sessions. Some nice bits but I can't pull it together.
And a second in that exercise in humility that is the Frazetta copy. Maybe 15-20 hours. Between my handling and the photo it doesn't get how masterfully the slayer guy goes from mid tone neutrals at his boot up to high value intense color at his head/arm. Or how with little dots and dabs the wizard guy (the slayee) has this taunting manic grin. The tree doesn't make total sense but it has wonderful detail and works as one of the characters -wailing as it tries to shrug off its attackers. And he pulled this out of his head? So I've heard. I planned to get a book on him but found one on JC Leyendecker instead. A master copy from it is quite possible.
Frazetta hit his stride doing covers for 30 year old Conan novels. They sold like crazy which begat a comic book and ultimately movies. Starring a body builder which a thick accent who wanted to get into movies. Despite the accent he achieves fame in action movies which he parlays into becoming governor of 38 million people. Not saying I blame Frazetta exactly. OK for the movies, yeah I do.